Dissolution of an ensemble of differently shaped poly-dispersed drug particles undergoing solubility reduction: mathematical modelling


  • Michela Abrami Dept. of Engineering and Architecture, Trieste University, Via Alfonso Valerio, 6/A, Trieste, I-34127 Italy
  • Lucia Grassi Liceo Scientifico G. Galilei, Trieste, Via Mameli 4, I-34139 Italy
  • Rosario Di Vittorio Dept. of Engineering and Architecture, Trieste University, Via Alfonso Valerio, 6/A, Trieste, I-34127 Italy
  • Dritan Hasa Dept. of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Trieste University, Piazzale Europa 1, Trieste, I-34127, Italy
  • Beatrice Perissutti Dept. of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Trieste University, Piazzale Europa 1, Trieste, I-34127, Italy
  • Dario Voinovich Dept. of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Trieste University, Piazzale Europa 1, Trieste, I-34127, Italy
  • Gabriele Grassi Dept. of Life Sciences, Cattinara University Hospital, Trieste University, Strada di Fiume 447, Trieste, I-34149 Italy
  • Italo Colombo Dept. of Engineering and Architecture, Trieste University, Via Alfonso Valerio, 6/A, Trieste, I-34127 Italy
  • Mario Grassi Dept. of Engineering and Architecture, Trieste University, Via Alfonso Valerio, 6/A, Trieste, I-34127 Italy http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3532-3200


Dissolution of an ensemble of differently shaped poly-dispersed drug particles undergoing solubility reduction: mathematical modelling


The aim of this theoretical paper is to develop a mathematical model for describing the dissolution process, in a finite liquid environment, of an ensemble of poly-dispersed drug particles, in form of sphere, cylinder and parallelepiped that can undergo solubility reduction due to phase transition induced by dissolution. The main result of this work consists in its simplicity as, whatever the particular particles size distribution, only two ordinary differential equations are needed to describe the dissolution process. This, in turn, reflects in a very powerful and agile theoretical tool that can be easily implemented in electronic sheets, a widespread tool among the research community. Another model advantage lies on the possibility of determining its parameters by means of common independent techniques thus enabling the evaluation of the importance of solid wettability on the dissolution process.


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How to Cite

Abrami, M., Grassi, L., Di Vittorio, R., Hasa, D., Perissutti, B., Voinovich, D., Grassi, G., Colombo, I., & Grassi, M. (2020). Dissolution of an ensemble of differently shaped poly-dispersed drug particles undergoing solubility reduction: mathematical modelling. ADMET and DMPK, 8(3), 297–313. https://doi.org/10.5599/admet.841



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