Glyphosate-based herbicide metabolic profiles in human urine samples through proton nuclear magnetic resonance analysis
Original scientific article
Metabolites, pesticides, toxicokinetic, 1H-NMR-based metabolomics
Background and purpose: Glyphosate-based herbicides, extensively utilized worldwide, raise concerns regarding potential human risks due to the detection of glyphosate (GLY) in human body fluids. This study aims to address critical knowledge gaps regarding whether GLY undergoes metabolism in humans, particularly considering the limited information available on human metabolism. Experimental approach: The study investigated GLY and its metabolites in eight amenity horticultural workers using proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-NMR) data analysis. Multiple spot urine samples were collected before and after herbicide applications. Key results: Findings reveal the presence of GLY and its metabolites (AMPA, formaldehyde, sarcosine, glyoxylic acid, and methylamine). Results demonstrate a moderate correlation between median GLY concentration and its metabolites within the studied population. Conclusion: Persuasive evidence suggests the potential metabolism of GLY in humans. 1H-NMR data analysis might be a promising technique for determining the metabolism of GLY in humans, offering valuable insights into urinary excretion patterns.
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Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University
Grant numbers FRB640006