Advanced nanomaterials for imaging of eye diseases
Gold nanoparticles, contrast agents, nanomedicine, biosensors, ophthalmic imagingAbstract
Background and purpose: Vision impairment and blindness present significant global challenges, with common causes including age-related macular degeneration, diabetes, retinitis pigmentosa, and glaucoma. Advanced imaging tools, such as optical coherence tomography, fundus photography, photoacoustic microscopy, and fluorescence imaging, play a crucial role in improving therapeutic interventions and diagnostic methods. Contrast agents are often employed with these tools to enhance image clarity and signal detection. This review aims to explore the commonly used contrast agents in ocular disease imaging. Experimental approach: The first section of the review delves into advanced ophthalmic imaging techniques, outlining their importance in addressing vision-related issues. The emphasis is on the efficacy of therapeutic interventions and diagnostic methods, establishing a foundation for the subsequent exploration of contrast agents. Key results: This review focuses on the role of contrast agents, with a specific emphasis on gold nanoparticles, particularly gold nanorods. The discussion highlights how these contrast agents optimize imaging in ocular disease diagnosis and monitoring, emphasizing their unique properties that enhance signal detection and imaging precision. Conclusion: The final section, we explores both organic and inorganic contrast agents and their applications in specific conditions such as choroidal neovascularization, retinal neovascularization, and stem cell tracking. The review concludes by addressing the limitations of current contrast agent usage and discussing potential future clinical applications. This comprehensive exploration contributes to advancing our understanding of contrast agents in ocular disease imaging and sets the stage for further research and development in the field.
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