Comparison of H2O2 screen-printed sensors with different Prussian blue nanoparticles as electrode material
Hydrogen peroxide, screen printing, carbon paste, agarose, hydrogelAbstract
In order to determine hydrogen peroxide condensing from gaseous and liquid phases screen-printed electrodes with controlled and adjustable thickness, shape and size of the working electrode as well as electrode paste composition were investigated. For this purpose Prussian blue (PB) nanoparticles with a different particle size distribution of 20-30 nm (synthesized) and 60-100 nm (commercially available) were mixed with carbon paste and screen-printed on Al2O3 templates to establish H2O2-sensitive electrode. These two types of screen-printed sensors were compared to the commercial one during measurements in H2O2/water solutions at concentrations between 10-5 and 10-2 M H2O2. The linear signal in the investigated concentration range was found only for the sensor with the commercially available PB particles. Thus, this sensor prepared with PB particles of the size 60-100 nm showed the most reproducible and time-stable response versus the analyte in comparison to the others. This result offers the possibility to create sensors with adjustable design adapted to the concrete functionality. Thin films of collecting electrolytes based on agarose gels were printed on the sensor structures. They showed a distinct response on the application of H2O2-containing aerosols and gaseous phase.
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