Tracking the photoactivity at the interface of SiC/poly(2-(2-thienyl)furan) thin solid film in polymer gel electrolytes
Original scientific paper
Photoelectrochemistry, occlusion electrodeposition, polymer/molecular solid interfaces, theoretical-experimental approach, polymer electrolyte
Assemblies made by immobilizing silicon carbide (SiC) nanoparticles into poly(2-(2-thienyl)furan) (PTF) were subjected to optical and electrochemical investigation. The studies show that SiC, a molecular inorganic compound, and PTF produce reproducible photo responses. Optical studies show that the optical band gap of SiC is around 2.5 eV while PTF's is around 2.2 eV. The band gap values suggest these assemblies absorb the visible solar radiation spectra. Electrochemical studies in gel electrolytes indicate that PTF and PTF/SiC under illumination show p-p behavior, where hole accumulation dominates. SiC thin films lack such character. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy studies revealed that the PTF and PTF/SiC possess both kinetic and diffusional charge transfer properties. The studied assemblies, as well as the gel electrolyte, showed stability and resistance to photodegradation as evidenced by the regeneration of the same photo response after a longer period of experimentation.
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