Electrochemical determination of amaranth in food samples by using modified electrode
Original scientific paper
Electrochemical sensor, carbon paste electrode, activated carbon-Co3O4 nanocomposite
In this paper, a new electrochemical sensor was reported for the determination of amaranth in drink soft. In this sensor, activated carbon-Co3O4 nanocomposite (AC-Co3O4) was employed as electrode modifying material. High pores of the activated carbon favour an access of aramanth nolecules within the pores of the working electrode surface, and allow fast electron transfer that is beneficial for the electrochemical detecion process. Thus, the electrochemical signal is obviously enhanced at AC-Co3O4 modified electrode compared to bare carbon paste electrode, and exhibited a wide linear response ranging from 0.1-215 mM with a low detection limit of 10.0 nM (based on 3Sb/m). This work offers a new route in developing new electrochemical sensors for the determination of collorant additives and other hazard components in drink soft.
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