Fabrication possibilities and characterisation of chalcogenide glass-based sensors for bromide determination

Original scientific paper





Potentiometric sensor, chalcogenide glasses, bromide selective rod-shaped electrode, ion selective solid-state electrode
Graphical Abstract


The fabrication and characterization of potentiometric chalcogenide glass (CG) electrodes with selectivity for bromide in aqueous media are reported. The focus is on the production of chalcogenide glasses of the material system AgBr Ag2S As2S3 and their investigation by means of a series of physico-chemical methods, as well as on their fabrication with the aid of precision mechanical manufacturing and assembly techniques to form usable sensors and their testing. In addition to the production of conventional rod electrodes, it will be examined whether it is also possible to realize planar electrodes using thick-film technology.


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How to Cite

Enseleit, U., Feller, C., Partsch, U., Schneider, W., & Vonau, W. (2022). Fabrication possibilities and characterisation of chalcogenide glass-based sensors for bromide determination: Original scientific paper. Journal of Electrochemical Science and Engineering, 12(3), 475–484. https://doi.org/10.5599/jese.1325



Electrochemical Science