Electrocatalytic determination of levodopa in presence of cabergoline using carbon paste electrode modified with graphene quantum dots/2-chlorobenzoyl ferrocene/ionic liquid
Original scientific paper
Electrochemical sensor, chemically modified electrode, levodopa, cabergoline
The electrochemical sensor was fabricated for the simultaneous determination of levodopa and cabergoline using carbon paste electrode (CPE) modified with graphene quantum dots (GQD), 2-chlorobenzoyl ferrocene (2CBF) and ionic liquid (IL). Then, the electrochemical behavior of levodopa alone and simultaneously with cabergoline at the surface of GQDs/2CBF/IL/CPE was investigated in phosphate buffer solution (PBS). Under optimal PBS, pH=7 condition, oxidation peak current has been found proportional to levodopa concentration in the range between 0.07 μM and 500.0 μM, with the limit of detection (LOD) of 0.02 μM (S/N=3). Outputs showed that at GQDs/2CBF/IL/CPE surface, the levodopa and cabergoline oxidation peaks are separated by the potential difference of 200 mV. In addition, it was found that this modified electrode possesses acceptable sensitivity, selectivity, stability and repeatability. All these properties were sufficient to allow simultaneous detection of levodopa and cabergoline in real samples at the surface of GQDs/2CBF/IL/CPE. This was supported by the successful application of this electrochemical sensor electrode for the determination of levodopa and cabergoline in urine, serum, and cabergoline tablets.
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