Mathematical modeling and reliability analysis of a 3D Li-ion battery


  • Richard Hong Peng Liang Raffles Science Institute, Raffles Institution, One Raffles Institution Lane
  • Tangsheng Zou Raffles Science Institute, Raffles Institution, One Raffles Institution Lane
  • Karthik Somasundaram Department of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore
  • Wei Tong Department of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore
  • Erik Birgersson Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, National University of Singapore



The three-dimensional (3D) Li-ion battery presents an effective solution to issues affecting its two-dimensional counterparts, as it is able to attain high energy capacities for the same areal footprint without sacrificing power density. A 3D battery has key structural features extending in and fully utilizing 3D space, allowing it to achieve greater reliability and longevity. This study applies an electrochemical-thermal coupled model to a checkerboard array of alternating positive and negative electrodes in a 3D architecture with either square or circular electrodes. The mathematical model comprises the transient conservation of charge, species, and energy together with electroneutrality, constitutive relations and relevant initial and boundary conditions. A reliability analysis carried out to simulate malfunctioning of either a positive or negative electrode reveals that although there are deviations in electrochemical and thermal behavior for electrodes adjacent to the malfunctioning electrode as compared to that in a fully-functioning array, there is little effect on electrodes further away, demonstrating the redundancy that a 3D electrode array provides. The results demonstrate that implementation of 3D batteries allow it to reliably and safely deliver power even if a component malfunctions, a strong advantage over conventional 2D batteries.


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How to Cite

Liang, R. H. P., Zou, T., Somasundaram, K., Tong, W., & Birgersson, E. (2014). Mathematical modeling and reliability analysis of a 3D Li-ion battery. Journal of Electrochemical Science and Engineering, 4(1), 1–17.



Electrochemical Science